The Original...

Misusing the information superhighway since 1995!

Hello there! Welcome to a very old one of the longest-running websites on the internet!

My name is Jen and way back in 1995, my then-boyfriend Dave introduced me to some new-fangled invention called "the internet."

Before long, and with my enthusiastic support, he began posting photos of me in various states of undress. That led to... a lot...

Of course, it is now 2024 and much has changed, including Dave's involvement with this website. Just a couple of years after those first posts, I took over and this has been my primary project ever since.

However, we started as "JEN n DAVE" and that's how we became known, so the name just kind of stuck. Besides, he is still around! You'll see him pop up here and there. :-p

So please, take a look around and feel free to reach out to us at if you have any questions, comments, bad puns, etc.